Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Eternally Elegant Atheist

 I stumble awkwardly out onto the blog-stage, squinting up at the high wattage lighting above, to tell you a thing:  

Listen:  I recently found myself in the bizarre position of avoiding criticism of one of the worlds major mono-theisms to ensure no offence was taken by an individual with nothing more than a whimsical and hopelessly hopeful stance on religion.

This troubles the Dog.

Now here's the thing, the individual had described their religious belief as follows:

'I believe there's something. It's hard to describe. A force. Or something. You know, something spiritual?'

Given that this is a rather ambiguous position, I was rendered speechless when it became clear that my own personal atheism and/or any ridicule of the Good Book was about as welcome as an amorous priest in a dormitory. I was also bewildered during the heated exchange - perhaps bewildered is over-stating it slightly -  to note a level of animosity towards Prof, Richard Dawkins. I found myself maniacally panning the riverbed of my mind for a nugget with which to respond to the bristling hostility.

It interests me that Christian mono-theism can trigger such animated over-protectiveness in those without faith.

Ciao-ciao for now-now.


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